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Saturday, 20 July 2013

Modeling techniques used in 3ds max

There are many ways to model in 3ds max but you have to start with a particular technique. There are a few ways to start in 3ds max. Here are links to videos on each one. each technique is good for certain purposes and enables you to model with more speed and comfort and also the knowledge of what to next. A big issue i find with people is that they get stuck on on little issues as where to start. Well if you know the techniques you ultimately eliminate that question. As a beginner learn these techniques and you will be ahead in the game, here is also a link to great tutorials (Digital tutors)
Digital tutors have the best self paced tutorials and they come highly and most recommended by me and you can watch them all for free by joining, enjoy!

Box modelling
Polygonal modelling
Spline modeling

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